목표는 단 한가지 완전한 다섯개의 뿔을 가진 별을 찾는것 뿐이다.
1. Click on the blocks
2. Click like a madman on the white background
3. Turn the lever
4. Click on the white quarter cirkels
5. Image 5
6. Click on the flowers
7. Move your mouse over the glass-splinters
8. Click on the pieces which dont fit the star to make a star. Image 8:
9. Shoot the right star piece to the left starpiece. Image:
10. Move your mouse over the small cirkels. Image:
11. Click gently under the small star piece.
12. Click on the small circle, and try to avoid the stars floating around.
13. Drag the twirlie thing upwards.
14. Click on the small dotted line, this works as a radar. Click on the apearing bublbles to complete the star.
15. Touch all the triangles.
16. Through the circles in the air a few times.
17. Drag the upper left corner.
18. Click on the moving circles when they are in this order:
19. Move your mouse over the background untill a star forms.
20. Move the blocks untill a star forms.
21. Click here a few times:
22. Keep pressure on your mousebutton.
23. Twirl your mouse counterclockwise around the faint dots.
24. Attach the end of the baloons to the small square below.
25. Click at the right time when the pieces allign.
26. Its in her panties! :O
27. Keep pressure on your left mouse button and it will appear.
28. Click 2 times on the right dot, 9 times on the dot to the left, 12 times on the other dot left, 6 times on another left dot, and 8 dots on the final dot untill a star appears.
29. See the image how to attach
30. Type: I will find a star very quickly over and over again.
31. Move your mouse rapidly over the big black cirkle. (you will see the meter go further and further)
32. Drag the right side up.
33. Hold your mouse button and slice it like a sword.
34. Click the arrows to make this image:
35. Turn the light 30 seconds on, then turn it off
36- click on one of the things (think there fireworks) rising
37- EASY! just hold down left mouse button for about 3 secs and then let go
38- clik on the left girl and then the right girl and then the boy in the middle.
39-put your mouse over all the people and theylle run into the centre eventually making star
40-hold down mouse button and quickly move your mouse up and down over the girl on the right
41-clik on the lines, one of the shaes should be a star, its somewhere near the top middle.
42-take a picture of the shooting stars, you have to be swift.
43- turn over all the flaps, start from the very left
44- drag the pentagon across the screen as it breaks of a triangle each time
45- just lift up the cork
46-hold down mouse button and it should start spinning, itlle form a star eventually
47- You gotta paly twinkle twinkle little star. The cup size doesn't matter, they just go in order. To get a sound, just sort of click at the top and and move the mouse across it until you get a sound or see the water move. Play in this order:
1155665443321 55443325544332 11556654433221
48- lift up the thing in the water and put it against the left wall(its a mirror)
49-if youve done 43, clik on the bomb and itll explode the box revealing a star
50- drag the two clouds and the moon, the star is behind the moon but you need to move the clouds anyway
51-clik and hold onto any three screws
52- shake the star around nd get all the spiky things off (ouch!)
53- drag the line around in any direction
54-use your mouse to gather the blocks, make the grey bits make a star, you need 5 blocks
55-lift up the block off screen and let go
56- drag the bars across to the other side of the screen of which they are on
57-hold down the mouse and slowly move the arrow head around in the circle
58-lift the circle and drop it in the grey line at the top third from the left
59-clik on the box 5 times as it flies everywhere
60-drag the line across the screen ( i can never see the star where is it??)
61-leave the top as it is drag the sqare in the corner out and use the lines to point the tips of the kites so when they fall theyll form a star
62- clik on the places so theyll make a star with there shapes
63-move the mouse in a circle around the dotted circle
64-clik on the circles moving around in the right order ; right big + left big + small + left medium + right medium
65- type in "i will find a star" and then drag the bunch of letters
66-clik and hold the triangle sticking out from the bottom and slowly drag it out
67-clik on the nose loads of times until no more lines come out of the nostrils (ewww!!!) and then move your mouse over them and theyll come out to form a star
68-its a flipping puzzle! im sure you know the rules to that(참고로 아래쪽부터 맞춰나가야 합니다)
69- memorize the shapes and clik on the triangles until they a all the right shape to fit into the shape you memorized and clik connect
70- drag the pentagon through the maze collecting the triangles in the circle along the way ( it took me 20 trys man its hard!!!)
71- credits
[출처] 星探 별 찾기 게임.|작성자 마이너비